Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Cushions, curtains and lampshades !!

As I mentioned in my last blog update my textile printing course is now complete and we have an exhibition in a few days time. We spent this week setting up and everyones prints and products looked fantastic, it was lovely to see all the combinaiton of colours and different products.

I spent the last couple of weekends stitching away to get some items finished and I still have a load of printed fabrics to do the next round of products

My finished products  for the display are 2 cushions, a lampshade, curtains, a tote bag, a show bag and some box canvas framed pictures and I am pleased with the collection,

Let me know what you think?

Monday, 5 March 2012

The exhibition has arrived!

I cannot believe that my textiles course is already over and done with for this year, when we started last September it seemed we had ages to learn all the techniques and practice printing fabrics and now it is all over and we have our exhibition starting in less than a week.

I have had so much fun doing the textiles print course, trying our different ideas and learning what I like and don't like and even discovering my own style. The rest of the people on the course have been a great bunch to work with and it has been really fun watching everyone develop. I wish we could continue for much longer, I  only just seem to be getting started, there are so many things I would love to try out.

The last couple of week have been making all these printed fabrics into interior products and that has been so much fun.

Cushions, curtains, bags, pictures, book covers, lampshades and needle cases are just a few of the things that have kept my sewing machine busy.

So watch this space in the next few days for the pictures  to be revealed.