Sunday, 8 January 2012

New Years resolutions include the words, crafts, crafts and more crafts

Well the Festive season is well and truly over, there was a sudden rush just before Christmas to finish off one of two projects such as these cushions with an embroidered Christmas motif, I realised if I didn't finish these off they would need to be put away for another year, so a few evenings after dinner and they were completed.

Next was the sort out of the Christmas Fabrics and they have been put to the back to the cupboard till later in the year. I even started on the New year detox and in this case it wasn't putting away the booze and chocolates it was a case off  sorting out all the unfinished sewing and craft projects of which I seem to have accumulated a lot of them. So this was the basis of resolution number one, I will only have a maximum of 2 unfinished projects sitting in the craft corner at any one time .So  I am now in the middle of trying to finish off 15 quilts, 10 cushions,  5 bags, 4 niteatures, 2 places mat, 2 pot holders and a book cover. (this sounds like an alternative Christmas Carol)  and  I think will keep me going for sometime. Oh and a realisation that I am easily distracted!!

I did manage to also finish off another embroidered bag

There was even time to finish off another couple of my Niteaures.

Now for Resolution Number two, I will up date the Blog at least a couple of times a week, so here goes!!

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