Monday, 9 July 2012

The things you find hidden in a box

For many years I have been collecting  vintage jewelleryand clothesw  and often buy an old tin of jewellery  or vanity box at an auction or a flea market, sometimes you find treasures and other times you find junk but that is always part of the fun. Lots of the jewllery is wearable and others need restoring or parts of it can be  used in projects. I like to use the loose beads and jewels in some of my sewing projects but this weekend I found enough of these bakelite beads, victorian jet and 1920's amber beads to make into a necklace.

But in another box was part of an edwardian dress, in fact just the bodice and as I am starting a new fashion course in september where we learn to adapt patterns and design  fashion costumes. I thought this would be a great items to start with.

So here is the next restoration project !!!

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